“Other Places to Find Housing”
Below is an evaluation of details the MIIS Housing site does not tell you, unfortunately.
Our hope is this will help speed up your search for rentals.
Again, if you see something decent for less than $1,000 (used to say $800), you should take it now before someone else does -- as long as it's safe and either walkable or on a good bus route.
Pacific Grove may not be a good bus line, but is bike-able if you’re close to Lighthouse Ave (lower elevation). Further up the hill can be a long and infrequent bus ride route, and bus stops may not be close to where you are looking.
New Monterey has good bus bus service if near Lighthouse Ave. If you're not too far up the hill it can also be an acceptable walk to campus (in good weather).
North Monterey, near Fremont Street, is also good for buses, and for biking because it's flat.
Seaside can be difficult if you are further away from Fremont Street or Del Monte Blvd. It's also has some neighborhoods that we don't recommend.
Understand / IMPORTANT: Landlords want their place rented as soon as possible. If you like it, be willing to pay for it starting 'today' to secure it. That's what others do. After they get here, seeing what others have to go through, they are very glad they took this advice.
Our preferences of the search engine sites are Monterey Craigslist and Zumper, then Apartments.com. Below are comments on each.
Monterey Bay Craigslist/housing/rooms
This is probably the most-used site within the bigger community, largely because it's not connected with a property management company, which has extra fees and may require renters’ insurance.
Craigslist is the only site that actually posts rooms in a home, FURNISHED with utilities & Internet included.
Using this site, select "Rooms & Shares" or "Apartments". It has a map view option, but many do show here... best to select "thumb" vew and monitor by most recently posted dates.
NOTE: This site may have scam postings. Under NO circumstance should you make any financial agreement or give private info unless you or someone you trust has seen it first.
This is an easy site to work through. Start by picking/adjusting price range and number of rooms. If you pick one room, it gives an option for studio.
This site does have studios, (some sites do not).
This site starts out easy. Once you get to their map, then zoom in to see locations. But, then it starts asking way too many personal questions, including financial. It wants to sign you up on their list before giving more details.
This gives you a list to choose from based on what you’re looking for. In this way it's similar to Apartments.com. You can also scroll specifically for “Furnished Apartments” and “Rooms for Rent”. (You may see duplicate listings on Craigslist.)
SIDENOTE: Zillow and Trulia show a lot of the same places. That's because they are part of the same group.
This is strictly for unfurnished apartments, condos, and houses, and they are expensive.
This gives you a studio search option, under “All Beds”, but it may only show you unfurnished apartments, and they are expensive.
Monterey Herald.com
This is a small local newspaper and not really recommended for rental search (may not have anything listed).
Below is an evaluation of details the MIIS Housing site does not tell you, unfortunately.
Our hope is this will help speed up your search for rentals.
Again, if you see something decent for less than $1,000 (used to say $800), you should take it now before someone else does -- as long as it's safe and either walkable or on a good bus route.
Pacific Grove may not be a good bus line, but is bike-able if you’re close to Lighthouse Ave (lower elevation). Further up the hill can be a long and infrequent bus ride route, and bus stops may not be close to where you are looking.
New Monterey has good bus bus service if near Lighthouse Ave. If you're not too far up the hill it can also be an acceptable walk to campus (in good weather).
North Monterey, near Fremont Street, is also good for buses, and for biking because it's flat.
Seaside can be difficult if you are further away from Fremont Street or Del Monte Blvd. It's also has some neighborhoods that we don't recommend.
Understand / IMPORTANT: Landlords want their place rented as soon as possible. If you like it, be willing to pay for it starting 'today' to secure it. That's what others do. After they get here, seeing what others have to go through, they are very glad they took this advice.
Our preferences of the search engine sites are Monterey Craigslist and Zumper, then Apartments.com. Below are comments on each.
Monterey Bay Craigslist/housing/rooms
This is probably the most-used site within the bigger community, largely because it's not connected with a property management company, which has extra fees and may require renters’ insurance.
Craigslist is the only site that actually posts rooms in a home, FURNISHED with utilities & Internet included.
Using this site, select "Rooms & Shares" or "Apartments". It has a map view option, but many do show here... best to select "thumb" vew and monitor by most recently posted dates.
NOTE: This site may have scam postings. Under NO circumstance should you make any financial agreement or give private info unless you or someone you trust has seen it first.
This is an easy site to work through. Start by picking/adjusting price range and number of rooms. If you pick one room, it gives an option for studio.
This site does have studios, (some sites do not).
This site starts out easy. Once you get to their map, then zoom in to see locations. But, then it starts asking way too many personal questions, including financial. It wants to sign you up on their list before giving more details.
This gives you a list to choose from based on what you’re looking for. In this way it's similar to Apartments.com. You can also scroll specifically for “Furnished Apartments” and “Rooms for Rent”. (You may see duplicate listings on Craigslist.)
SIDENOTE: Zillow and Trulia show a lot of the same places. That's because they are part of the same group.
This is strictly for unfurnished apartments, condos, and houses, and they are expensive.
This gives you a studio search option, under “All Beds”, but it may only show you unfurnished apartments, and they are expensive.
Monterey Herald.com
This is a small local newspaper and not really recommended for rental search (may not have anything listed).