Don't forget to check out our Current Invites page --
Get connected with other international students! Take short breaks, play crazy games, release endorphins & relieve stress -- be encouraged!
Get connected with other international students! Take short breaks, play crazy games, release endorphins & relieve stress -- be encouraged!
to ISI-Monterey

Who & What is ISI?
International Students Inc
Friendship Community Adventure Discovery!
International Students Inc, ISI, is a non-profit organization of volunteers working together to reach out to and assist international university students & scholars. Our desire is to make friends with university students & visiting scholars from other cultures. This happens in many ways. It may start with initial assistance even before you arrive. It may also include help in learning how to survive once you get here and where to find things you need. And, for those who are interested, we love to create friendships, to invite you into our homes, to share what life is like in American homes, but also to learn about you and your life, culture, family and homeland.
We do this because we truly enjoy interacting with people of other cultures. We are Christians (we believe in the God of the Bible and follow Jesus). We also have personal desires to be totally cross-cultural and open in every way, accepting and respecting everyone equally from all walks of life, all cultures, and all beliefs. We have this attitude because we feel that as we get to know each other better, we are given a unique opportunity to build bridges of understanding that may ultimately contribute to making the world a better place.
We also understand it can be very hard to adjust to living in a different culture and we want to help you make that transition... we expect nothing in return. If we sent our young adults to live in your country, we would hope someone would be there for them as well.
Above all else, we hope that you will enjoy your life here and experience an accurate perspective of the US and it’s people... and not what you hear in the media.
To find out more about things we do, or simply to get help as you plan your trip here, check out the pull-down tabs above.
If you would like assistance with arrival, including possible temporary housing (limited), email us directly, John & Joyce, ISI-Monterey, [email protected]. You can also reach us on WhatsApp or by text at 831-747-7357.
A personal note of clarification: We’ve heard from many students, who've become wonderful friends, who tell us that "other students try to warn [them] about Christians". Because there are some out there who give us (Christians) a bad reputation, please know that we as ISI are not like that... That said, there are groups (2 in particular) who call themselves Christians but who really are not. One, Jehovah’s Witnesses, are very active around MIIS. They will come to your door with what they call a Bible...It looks like one, but it’s not because they created their own Bible themselves to look like a real one (it's different). They will be pushy and also offer you a colorful magazine called Watch Tower. Be on guard, if you seem nice to them they will definitely come back!
Most important, again, we are nothing like this and we do not push our belief on others. We appreciate and learn from everyone, from all belief backgrounds.
ISI-Monterey is for YOU!

Our goal is to help international students feel comfortable and accepted - to make your time in Monterey the best it can be. As a new arrival, you may need help with airport/bus pick-up here in Monterey, temporary housing, assistance in your rental search, finding used furniture and more. (Note, since the pandemic, temporary housing is less available.)
To get a better idea of all the things we do with & for international students, expand the navigation tabs above to see: “What we like to do with students,” “Friendship Families,” and more.
For additional information that can help you become more comfortable in Monterey, including invitations for dinner in one of our American volunteer family homes, continue with this website and contact us to say hi.
To get a better idea of all the things we do with & for international students, expand the navigation tabs above to see: “What we like to do with students,” “Friendship Families,” and more.
For additional information that can help you become more comfortable in Monterey, including invitations for dinner in one of our American volunteer family homes, continue with this website and contact us to say hi.