Links to Helpful Resources

Below are a variety of links students have found to be useful for both practical living issues and in exploring critical issues of the Christian faith.
This list is clearly a work in process and sometimes sites get closed. Feel free to keep checking back. More valuable still, if you find a site you think other students will gain from, please email us to let us know. Also, if you find a link that no longer works, tell us that as well.
After visiting any of the sites below, hit the return arrow of your browser to come back.
For starters, if you would like to visit an exciting site, focused specifically on the needs of international students, check out ISI's own national website, – Discount travel for students. - One of the best sites for general cross-cultural issues and living in the U.S.
Here are some other great sites for those who might be interested: – An excellent, multi-language site that addresses lots of questions about life, with connective links in 26 languages. – Lots of good stuff - The big question is, "Is it True?"
This site may help answer that question. – An excellent site for those exploring the really big issues of life.
This list is clearly a work in process and sometimes sites get closed. Feel free to keep checking back. More valuable still, if you find a site you think other students will gain from, please email us to let us know. Also, if you find a link that no longer works, tell us that as well.
After visiting any of the sites below, hit the return arrow of your browser to come back.
For starters, if you would like to visit an exciting site, focused specifically on the needs of international students, check out ISI's own national website, – Discount travel for students. - One of the best sites for general cross-cultural issues and living in the U.S.
Here are some other great sites for those who might be interested: – An excellent, multi-language site that addresses lots of questions about life, with connective links in 26 languages. – Lots of good stuff - The big question is, "Is it True?"
This site may help answer that question. – An excellent site for those exploring the really big issues of life.
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